Friday, November 11, 2016

Apple "Soup"

My daughter will be 3 in February (2017) and she is a very picky eater. She likes the strangest "foods". I say "foods" because she will stick her finger in ketchup..barbecue sauce..salad dressing - those types of things that aren't a food, but goes on foods or are used to dip. Yeah. She's that kind of kid. My brother is the same way, still to this day..maybe. We will see if she outgrows that or not.

But with a picky eater, she will almost always eat certain foods consistently. She LOVES pasta. So macaroni and cheese or just noodles with butter. Pretty simple kid. If my grandma makes chicken and dumplings - she will scarf that down too. If you eat salad with tomatoes, she will eat all of your tomatoes and try to steal your dressing.

Her latest thing is "soup". But to her, everything liquid is called "soup". If she's eating a fruit cup (peaches) the liquid is called soup. She will eat the peaches too - which is good, but she always wants to drink the "soup".

Sometimes it is hard to get her to finish what she is eating. Sometimes she just takes a few bites and that's it. Other times she's asking for more and actually eating it - which is rare lately..but with noodles and "soup" I've been lucky.

Today I made cinnamon apples. There's no real recipe. And it isn't really a "soup". It's more of a dessert apple or good on oatmeal. But I used apple juice to cook them in - added some brown sugar and cinnamon, then cooked them down until the liquid reduced a bit. The whole house smells like fall baking. Delish.

But she is eating her apple soup, apples and all..and I am happy about that.

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