Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mommy Pinterest

As many of my friends know, I'm a pretty big pinner... You know, on Pinterest.
Over a year ago, I'd say...especially around the time I found out I was pregnant, I was on that app/site almost 24/7. And being a new mom to a now 6 month old, I haven't slowed down much. 

But, like many of us on Pinterest (you can follow me here), we pin and pin but we rarely ever gather the materials needed for the projects. If you're like me, you organize your boards and find new ways to categorize your pins.

Since becoming a mommy, I've been pinning DIYs like crazy. And I have the imagination, motivation, creativity and means to actually try some of these projects out.
I did crochet a baby blanket for my daughter...was a great first attempt and I was proud of myself. I want to crochet more (we finally found my stash of yarn I SWORE I brought with me when I moved) and I want to try hand sewing. I made a pillowcase once...with a sewing machine. The second one went unfinished. Go figure.

But with all of that said, I have a lot of Mommy DIYs planned for the near future:
Taggie blankets and toys
Burp cloths
Pocket bibs