About Us!

My beautiful angel, Emileah
I became a mother at age 23, in February 2014. I brought the most mysterious bundle of joy into this world and I was afraid I wouldn't live to see it beyond birth. 

My birth story begins the way many mothers fear, especially first time moms. My pregnancy was smooth, no complications. I wasn't high risk. I gained more than I would have liked, but everything measured where it was supposed to and she was doing perfectly fine. When the day came to be induced, I didn't know what to expect. Nothing could have prepared me for that day. 

She wasn't an emergency c-section. There was no rush to the O.R., but after 16+ hours my doctor got tired of waiting. And honestly, so was I. But had I known that I would have almost died, then I would have waited it out. But I wasn't dilating any further, so off to the O.R. I went. Long story short, I wasn't able to breathe through most of the operation. They lost me a couple of times. And I blacked out and didn't even remember getting stapled. I woke up in triage and I couldn't even hold my daughter right away. I had to wait for my arms to get the feeling back in them I was still so numb. But my baby girl was a trooper. She didn't cry. She soothed herself, for hours after birth. And now she's 14 months old! She started walking at 10 months old and she surprises us every single day.

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