Sunday, November 9, 2014

I'm Baack!

Hey everyone!

The last month has been CRAZY and we have a lot of people to thank for helping us out along the way. My little family and I have finally moved into our own little apartment. There are a lot of people that made this place into the home it is beginning to become.

We have also hit the toughest bump in the road, but we are making things work with the help of a few close friends and family.

During the move we have had a lot of down time and I spent some time on Pinterest (go follow me! @truebrytt).. It's not a bad thing. I've found some really neat things I can do with my daughter, recipes, crafts and of course organizing and decorating ideas. I want to share those with you here. And I know I promised my homemade babyfood "adventures', and I will get to that eventually (sorry!).

But I just wanted to update you all and let you know I'm still here!