Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Finally a new year. And often times "a new me" follows those words.. I'm not one to make new years resolutions. I can set goals or get ideas (and according to Pinterest and past blogs I get lots of ideas). One day I will eventually live many of them out. In time, with motivation and in moderation I can start somewhere and soon. 

But..and there's always a but.. I like making lists. I like writing out my ideas. And usually thats where my ideas end up...on paper. Lost. Or on a blog post, lost in cyber space. 

I can easily blab and list all of my ideas, but I won't blab too much.

My main goal(s) for the years to come:

Have a happy and healthy family and self. One way to make this happen would be to get rid of as much negative as we possibly can and replace it with positive. A new focus. More hobbies. Do something more productive with our talents, time, money, words and effort. Learn new things. I want to self-educate myself more because while we are teaching our daughter new things everyday and watching her grow, I want more to offer her. I want to fuel my curiosity and fascination with military history, true crime and fun fiction. 

I also want to learn new recipes and excersizes. A new eating habit and make a healthier me from the inside out. But I have to start small. One thing at a time. Remove one thing and replace it with a healthier alternative. I have searched for many recipes on Pinterest (that magic 'P' word again). Low carb, vegan, vegetarian. You name it. Although low carb would suit me better because of my past diagnosis of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ), it is hard to make the plunge AND feed a growing baby (almost toddler). 

I want to be more frugal. That's pretty much self explanitory in the times we live in now.

So be on the look out for craft posts, recipes, tips and things in the future because my other goal is to post more often on this blog.

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