Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just add bacon (going to be M-I-A)

Hey everyone. Sorry to announce, but I'll be temporarily absent from my blog for a while. We are in the middle of moving, but before I go I wanted to share something with you all...

A while ago I decided to whip up my infamous pot of chili (not so infamous, just add spicy tomato juice for extra flavor and heat)... Sad to say I walked away for too long with the stove on a bit too high and burned the bottom of the pot. I was devastated. The boys (my fiancé and my brother) thought it was pretty good with some cheese added in and crackers to dunk. I still wasn't buying it. I had one bowl and stored away the leftovers thinking I had ruined any chance of recovery.

Then one day, my brother dragged out the last bag of chili from the freezer, put it into a pot with water to thaw it out. 
I got to wondering how I could make it better and hide the smoky burned flavor (not the good kind of smoky my opinion). 

Add BACON! Duh.

I added a pound of bacon and a little bit of ground hot breakfast helped some. I added more seasonings and brown sugar to add sweetness to try and hide the bitter burnt flavor. Gotta say, it worked.. I added some shredded cheese, crackers and I was satisfied.

So the moral of the story is, just add bacon.

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