Sunday, May 31, 2015


There have been some recent life changes and I feel it is time to plan some more. I've been working hard on some crochet baby sandals, which you can see here at TrueBrytt & Company, along with all the other things I have been making!

So with a toddler, hubby and crochet orders keeping me busy I have been feeling a bit off - especially since some other family matters have been going on. Schedules are a bit crazy. It's kind of been: Sleep when you can and Up when there's time. There really is no set schedule, which can be draining (at least it is for me, personally).

I've been doing some research here and there. Getting hubs to DR appointments. And thinking to myself: I need to get to a DR.

Years ago when I was 13-14 (I'm 24 now) I was diagnosed with PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome), just click and read up on it if you're curious. I've never had a regular period. I've had 2-3 week long periods and would miss MONTHS in between. My daughter being conceived was actually a miracle because DRs said I wouldn't be able to have kids or it would be REALLY hard to conceive. But I did a little bit of Low Carb-ing and took a Multi-vitamin and BOOM, pregnant. << That's the short version of the whole PCOS mess.

The changes I have made so far, planning some meal ideas. I want to start making smoothies, especially with nutrient rich ingredients and fiber for my daughter since she sometimes has trouble pooping AND can be a picky eater (which is normal for kids). I have yet to find a multi-vitamin for myself. But I have been taking Magnesium daily (250 mg) which I have read can help with PCOS and since Insulin Resistance is linked to PCOS, low Magnesium has been linked to Insulin I hope I'm taking the right step forward to a healthier me.

In my past posts I had mentioned (but may have since deleted some if not all - I can't remember) that I wanted to start the Low Carb journey. I have not fully done that. Actually, the only thing Low Carb are my veggies with dinner. I use dry milk in my coffee - not much though, maybe 1/2 a teaspoon or a couple teaspoons. Usually I use sugar-free creamers or just heavy whipping cream or half&half.

I still have a LOT of adjustments to make. AND I want to start couponing. CRAZY, RIGHT? So I am in the market for a cheap/affordable printer with cheap/affordable ink. I'm making a list of items we usually buy that we can use coupons for (non-food items, for now) just to stretch a few bucks each month since we live on a fixed income - anything extra is from family or the occasional crochet shoe.

Did I mention I want to dye my hair, possibly? I'm thinking RoseGold. From Natural Redhead to RoseGold, oughta be fun. But it is still an up in the air thing.

Vitamins, PCOS control/treatment, diet, budget, hair. I feel like I'm missing something.

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