Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Even More Mommy Recommendations

If only there was a TimeHop for my posts. Almost a year ago my first couple of posts were about Mommy Recommendations. In those posts I gave you a list with links and pictures of items I thought were a life saver in my daughters first year of life. I'm sorry I haven't been more on top of the recommendations, but I am here to share a few more with you!

These ones I am super excited about. I have been waiting several months to talk about a cup! Yes, a CUP!
My daughter is 14 months old (turned 1 in February!) and I have been working to get her off of the bottle. She was formula fed until a year, but honestly I gave her watered down milk around 10 months old (when she started joke) and eating more solid foods - more so when we were at home and running low on formula. It helped us financially as well.

Okay, so on to these amazing cups (there are two brands that we have found). I don't really favor one brand over the other - they are just a convenient concept and they are WAY better than any bottle or sippy-cup. The perfect transition to a real cup.

Now WIC and doctors alike, like to suggest starting a real cup at 6 months old. To the mothers that have successfully done this, congratulations. But realistically...this was not easy. We tried the straw around 7 months old. We tried sips from the cup. We use a cup during bath time. She knows what a cup is. I guess that isn't a total fail.

Then we saw the 360 cup and scratched our heads at it a few times before we bought a couple to try. It looks so strange, so don't freak out too much. I also found that they come apart for easy cleaning - which was my first question (How in the world do you wash these things?). I have taken a few pictures for you all to see it apart in stages as well as together - all in one photo to save space.

First brand is Sassy
Sassy Grow Up Cup

Sassy brand has a screw top in the center and the spout can be removed for cleaning. Just pull the silicone spout away from the center!

Second brand is Munchkin

Munchkin Miracle 360 Cup

Munchkin brand has a different texture on the cup part, it isn't a slick plastic like the Sassy brand. And the lid screws on like - well a lid. The spout, however, can be popped off of the center. Just pull the spout back from the edges and pull it off. The lid part it attaches to underneath, honestly looks like a sink strainer. 

My daughter does VERY well with these cups and I am one proud Mommy! We are still weaning her off of the bottle, some days are easier than others, and honestly she only wants one when she is SUPER fussy-tired and sometimes when she first wakes up in the morning. Throughout the day though she will drink juice, milk or water from them with no problems. 

The BEST PART about these cups is...they don't spill - at least like a regular cup. Now if you throw them on the floor like a toddler, then yes they will drip. And if they are laying on their side for long periods of time, they will drip. But if you hold it upside down it won't soak your lap, floor or your toddler! Yay!

So, even if you are a mother-to-be or if you're child is still under a year old - I would recommend you run out and buy at least one of these types of cups! You won't regret it.

OH and one more thing...

We have also discovered a neat little snack cup, also by Munchkin that my daughter loves! She is at that stage right now where she loves putting her hand into the Puff snack containers or bags of Yogurt bites and pulling one out. These snack cups help her do just that! She hasn't pulled the top off yet (which is easily removed). The edges aren't sharp and the opening is flexible and soft for them to reach in and pull the snacks out. 

Munchkin Snack Catchers

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